Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, OON and More (UHC The Empire Plan 2023 Changes)
Updated: Apr 19, 2024
Starting from July 1, 2023, there will be modifications to the benefits provided to members of the following groups in The Empire Plan:
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)
Management/Confidential; Legislature
Unified Court System (UCS)
Participating Agencies
Participating Employers
Retirees, Vestees, Dependent Survivors and Enrollees (and their enrolled dependents) covered under Preferred List Provisions of New York State Government
COBRA Enrollees and Young Adult Option Enrollees with The Empire Plan benefits for the groups listed above
Modifications have been made to the following policies:
Elimination of multiple participating provider copayments per visit
Change in maximum allowed amount for nonparticipating providers
New Site of Care program for infusions
Visit limit added for out-of-network acupuncture services
Visit limit added for massage therapy services
A new Center of Excellence for Substance Use Disorder Program
We understand that navigating insurance policies can be complex and time-consuming. As your trusted partner, Providers Medical Billing is here to support you throughout this process. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the updated UHC Empire Plan (NYSHIP) policy or need assistance with billing or documentation, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. We are here to help you optimize your reimbursement and streamline your practice operations.